cold outreach intents/triggers

Pink checkbox
attend a specific event
Pink checkbox
comment a specific social media / communty post
Pink checkbox
company raise funds
Pink checkbox
department head count growth
Pink checkbox
target has a new role / new company
Pink checkbox
company is recruiting for a specific role
Pink checkbox
Uses a complementary / competitor tool
Pink checkbox
Bad reviews of competitor (g2, capterra, etc.)
Pink checkbox
linkedin company (or competitor) page followers
Pink checkbox
Same investors as your company
Pink checkbox
competitors of your clients
Pink checkbox
industry trends
Pink checkbox
downloads some of your content (ebook, etc.)
Pink checkbox
new legislation
Pink checkbox
company expansion, entering new markets, M&a
Pink checkbox
good / bad quarter results
Pink checkbox
happy users that have changed company
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Growth Sales

cold outreach Personalization P.1

1. about the person
Pink checkbox
Job changes
Pink checkbox
Events they attended
Pink checkbox
Social media activity
Pink checkbox
Previous experience
Pink checkbox
Social media posts
Pink checkbox
specific pain points
Pink checkbox
Google (articles, etc.)
2. about the company
Pink checkbox
Funding announcement
Pink checkbox
specific pain points
Pink checkbox
Job descriptions
Pink checkbox
social media activity
Pink checkbox
News / updates
Pink checkbox
Google (articles, etc.)
Pink checkbox
Teammate’s activity
3. about the industry
Pink checkbox
Info on competition
Pink checkbox
New trends
Pink checkbox
regulations / other changes
Pink checkbox
Best practices
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Growth Sales

cold outreach
Personalization P.2

Pink checkbox
spend between 5 to 15 min per lead
Pink checkbox
make it genuine and not as a fake sneaky way to get
your lead’s attention
Pink checkbox
make it Feel like the same message couldn’t have
been sent to anyone else
Pink checkbox
make it Feel like you understand their business
Pink checkbox
focus it on your lead and not on yourself
Pink checkbox
Don’t go straight for the pitch after it
Pink checkbox
make it feel like a friend / colleague
Pink checkbox
Brings value without expecting anything in return
Pink checkbox
make it:
- sharp
- clear
- relevant
- personalized
- short
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Growth Sales

cold outreach
personalization P.3

Pink checkbox
Pink checkbox
liquid syntax
Pink checkbox
custom video
Pink checkbox
custom images
Pink checkbox
custom GIF
Pink checkbox
custom landing page
Pink checkbox
physical object (via mail)
examples of value you can bring
Pink checkbox
Tips on their current process
Pink checkbox
ebook about problem X
Pink checkbox
checklist about problem X
Pink checkbox
free course about problem X
Pink checkbox
event about problem X
Pink checkbox
case study very similar to them
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Growth Sales


Pink checkbox
warm each email address up for at least 1 month
before sending emails
Pink checkbox
use a deliverability booster after the warmup phase
Pink checkbox
keep open rate above 45%*, and bounce rate below 5%
Pink checkbox
Send less than 100 emails / day / email address
Pink checkbox
Use less 10 emails addresses / domain
Pink checkbox
use only 1 domain / google workspace
Pink checkbox
Avoid html, files, spam words in emails
Pink checkbox
check you’re not on a blacklist
Pink checkbox
fill out your gmail profile
Pink checkbox
personalize all emails
Pink checkbox
only Target people that will be interested
Pink checkbox
use a dedicated domain name for outbound
Pink checkbox
set your DKIM, SPF, MX Record, CTD and dmarc up
Pink checkbox
increase sending volume slowly & consistently
Pink checkbox
Verify all email addresses, no matter their source
Pink checkbox
keep a healthy ratio between emails received / sent
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Growth Sales

deliverability P.2
Save a burned domain

Pink checkbox
check if your domain is on a blacklist
→ if so, reach out & follow their whitelist process
Pink checkbox
make sure DKIM, SPF, MX Record, Custom tracking
domain and dmarc are set up properly
Pink checkbox
make sure your google profile is filled out
Pink checkbox
stop sending any kind of email, even transactional
Pink checkbox
put each email address into lemwarm
deliverability cheat sheet P.1
Pink checkbox
check after 2-3 months if the burned domain shows
signs of recovery
In most cases, it’s impossible to recover a burned
domain. This is why deliverability should be a high
priority from the start.
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Growth Sales

cold outreach

Pink checkbox
Assuming your leads care about who you are
Pink checkbox
Sending a message right after they accept your
linkedin connection request
Pink checkbox
Adding personalization just for the sake of it
Pink checkbox
trying to sell from the cold email
Pink checkbox
asking for a call in the first message
Pink checkbox
not reaching out based on triggers
Pink checkbox
not targeting the right leads
Pink checkbox
following up without bringing value
Pink checkbox
Focusing on the sale instead of the relationship
Pink checkbox
Talking more about you than your lead
Pink checkbox
following up less than 4-6 times
Pink checkbox
Having a generic approach that everybody uses
Pink checkbox
ignoring deliverability rules
Pink checkbox
Not A/B testing your approaches
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Growth Sales


Pink checkbox
If you don’t think you can help a lead, be honest
Pink checkbox
put your lead’s needs above yours
Pink checkbox
sales is about relationships
Pink checkbox
sales is about listening
Pink checkbox
sales is about helping your leads make the
right decision
Pink checkbox
compete on value, not price
Pink checkbox
if what you sell is confusing, nobody will buy
Pink checkbox
give value with 0 expectations
Pink checkbox
ask “why” - try to find the motivations
Pink checkbox
tell your prospect the price, and then shut up
Pink checkbox
be comfortable in conversation blanks
Pink checkbox
feel comfortable when speaking about pricing
Pink checkbox
the less you care about sales, the more you make
Pink checkbox
rephrase what they want as what you are selling
Pink checkbox
keeping things simple
Pink checkbox
never lie, take the time to research
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Growth Sales

Defining your
targets P.1

Pink checkbox
job title
Pink checkbox
daily focus
Pink checkbox
when they need you
Pink checkbox
pain points
Pink checkbox
what can hold them back
Pink checkbox
end user / decision maker
Pink checkbox
communities they hang out in
Pink checkbox
professional / personal goals
Pink checkbox
value proposition you have for them
Pink checkbox
Stage of awareness of their pain
Pink checkbox
how important and urgent is their pain
Pink checkbox
innovator / early adopter / early majority / etc.
company information
Pink checkbox
Pink checkbox
Pink checkbox
Pink checkbox
Pink checkbox
Pink checkbox
net promoter score
Pink checkbox
tools used
Pink checkbox
life time value on your product / service
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Growth Sales

your targets P.2

Pink checkbox
take the “defining your targets p.1” cheat sheet
Pink checkbox
map out your existing customers
(not all your existing customers are ideal users)
Pink checkbox
for each of them, map out the decision makers and
the end users
Pink checkbox
order all of them into at least 3 tiers
tier 1
customers that bring the most revenue
tier 2
customers in between
tier 3
customers that bring the less revenue
Pink checkbox
use this tier list to determine your actions
Pink checkbox
use this tier list to prioritize your actions
Pink checkbox
map the profiles of targets you don’t want
Pink checkbox
Communicate them with the rest of the company
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Growth Sales

cold call P.1

Pink checkbox
allocate 2-hour blocks where you only do that
Pink checkbox
find the best timing to call your target
Pink checkbox
keep the bair minimum on your desk and laptop
Pink checkbox
have all the phone numbers ready before starting
Pink checkbox
turn off all distractions
Pink checkbox
record all your sessions to improve
Pink checkbox
know that your first calls will be rusty
Pink checkbox
put your leads in campaigns before calling
Pink checkbox
change the pain mentioned based on the target
Pink checkbox
research your leads before calling
Pink checkbox
find personalization for each lead before the call
Pink checkbox
Prepare a glass of water
Pink checkbox
know what to say if you need to leave a voice msg
Pink checkbox
prepare open-ended questions
Pink checkbox
Prepare for objections
Pink checkbox
have your agenda ready to reschedule the call
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Growth Sales

cold call P.2
during the call

Pink checkbox
focus on getting an interest & setting a meeting
Pink checkbox
know what you are going to say
Pink checkbox
match your lead’s energy (e.g. tone)
Pink checkbox
smile during the whole call
Pink checkbox
never get on your nerves
Pink checkbox
cap each call at 3-5 minutes
Pink checkbox
have a positive mindset
Pink checkbox
train infront a mirror before starting
Pink checkbox
be clear with your call to action
Pink checkbox
take notes during the call
Pink checkbox
don’t give up after the first objection
Pink checkbox
Stand out from all the other calls they receive
Pink checkbox
don’t overwhelm your leads with information
Pink checkbox
ask interesting & relevant questions
Pink checkbox
repeat the last part of their answer if you want
them to elaborate
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Growth Sales

cold outreach

priority of metrics
1. Revenue brought by cold outreach
2. % qualified meetings
3. % qualified replies
4. % emails opened (unreliable)
Pink checkbox
open rate
- below 50% → not good
- above 50% → good
- above 80% → great
Pink checkbox
positive reply / meetings booked rate
- below 3% → not good
- above 4% → good
- above 10% → great
- above 30% → amazing
Pink checkbox
100-150 new leads contacted / sdr / week
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Growth Sales

cold outreach

Pink checkbox
don’t be a spammer
Pink checkbox
include between 6 to 14 steps
Pink checkbox
space every step by a couple of days (4, 6, 8)
Pink checkbox
bring value at every step
Pink checkbox
rotate between more and less engaging steps
- more eng. = linkedin message / email
- less eng. = Linkedin invite / profile visit / like
Pink checkbox
feel free to add humour
Pink checkbox
include original steps (e.g. linkedin vocal)
Pink checkbox
change the subject line every couple of emails
Pink checkbox
push the lead into another campaign
- only after 2-3 months
- use a completely different approach / problem
- produce linkedin content in the mean time
Pink checkbox
Focus on another target within the same company
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Growth Sales

cold outreach
LinkedIn 101

Pink checkbox
Follow linkedin invitation request limits
- normal account: max 100 / week
- premium account: max 180 / week
- be consistent
Pink checkbox
keep your pending invitation requests below 250
removing pending requests
Pink checkbox
don’t scrape over 1,000 profiles per day
Pink checkbox
avoid activity peaks (includes comments, likes, etc.)
Pink checkbox
don’t message people right after they accept you
Pink checkbox
create valuable content to attract your targets
and give you more credibility when reaching out
Pink checkbox
turn off “view similar” in your setting to avoid
having competitor profile suggested on yours
Pink checkbox
turn most chrome extensions off after using them
they might trigger ln to restrict your account
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Growth Sales

cold outreach
never say this

Pink checkbox
“Wanted to connect because I noticed your role.”
Pink checkbox
“I understand you are extremely occupied but...”
Pink checkbox
“I'm sure you’ve got a lot on your plate.”
Pink checkbox
“Just wanted to follow-up.”
Pink checkbox
“your company being a possible fit, we’d like to...”
Pink checkbox
“here are the services we provide: ...”
Pink checkbox
“just an introduction, we are...”
Pink checkbox
“Linkedin suggested your profile to me”
Pink checkbox
“I noticed that our interests are quite similar so...”
Pink checkbox
“So I thought it would make sense to...”
Pink checkbox
“Hope this message finds you well.”
Pink checkbox
“would love to tell you a little about what I do...”
Pink checkbox
“Please don't think of this as a sales pitch. I am...”
Pink checkbox
“Being from the same industry I think...”
Pink checkbox
“I just came across your profile through our
mutual connections and...”
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Growth Sales

cold outreach
email copy

Pink checkbox
bring value
Pink checkbox
add personalization
Pink checkbox
keep your signature simple
Pink checkbox
focus on building a relationship
Pink checkbox
make 99% of the copy about the lead
Pink checkbox
Make the call to action crystal clear
Pink checkbox
don’t talk about my product / services
Pink checkbox
make the copy friendly, short and clear
Pink checkbox
make the “what’s in it for them” obvious
Pink checkbox
remove all fluff (e.g. I hope you are okay)
Pink checkbox
focus on the reply to validate the interest
Pink checkbox
use grammarly to avoid awkward situations
Pink checkbox
Stand out from all the other emails they receive
Pink checkbox
send a sample on your phone to preview it properly
Pink checkbox
use simple words that people will understand
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Growth Sales

cold outreach
subject lines P.1

Pink checkbox
No caps
Pink checkbox
keep it short
Pink checkbox
make it casual
Pink checkbox
don’t be misleading
Pink checkbox
be different
Pink checkbox
don’t sound like a marketing email
Pink checkbox
have a neutral tone
Pink checkbox
make it boring
Pink checkbox
make people curious
Pink checkbox
make it feel like it was a friend reaching out
Pink checkbox
use keywords that will interest them
Pink checkbox
A/B test with personalization
Pink checkbox
Tease value
Pink checkbox
don’t make it appear salesy
Pink checkbox
give a compliment
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Growth Sales

cold outreach
subject lines P.2

Pink checkbox
{{random industry words}} (e.g. sales workflow)
Pink checkbox
{{first_name}} told me about you, {{first_name}}
Pink checkbox
loved {{product_name}}, but...
Pink checkbox
# ideas for {{pain_point}}
Pink checkbox
re: {{project name}}
Pink checkbox
are you coming?
Pink checkbox
Pink checkbox
(No subject)
Pink checkbox
as promised
Pink checkbox
You’re in?
Pink checkbox
{{industry}} question
Pink checkbox
I made it easy for you
Pink checkbox
are you coming to {{event_name}}
Pink checkbox
feedback about {{product_name}}
Pink checkbox
{{first_name}} <> {{your_first_name}}
Pink checkbox
found this about {{company_name}} on youtube
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Growth Sales

cold outreach
subject lines P.3

Pink checkbox
{{goal}} achieved
Pink checkbox
{{goal}} unlocked
Pink checkbox
{{topic}} update
Pink checkbox
{{topic}} insights
Pink checkbox
{{topic}} tips
Pink checkbox
{{topic}} method
Pink checkbox
{{topic}} framework
Pink checkbox
{{topic}} progress
Pink checkbox
{{topic}} milestone
Pink checkbox
{{product}} launch
Pink checkbox
{{product}} milestone
Pink checkbox
{{Problem}} quick fix
Pink checkbox
{{problem}} status
Pink checkbox
{{industry}} insights
Pink checkbox
{{industry}} question
Pink checkbox
{{industry}} strategy
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Growth Sales

cold outreach
subject lines P.4

Pink checkbox
{{project}} approved
Pink checkbox
{{problem}} expert
Pink checkbox
{{problem}} report
Pink checkbox
{{Problem}} catch-up
Pink checkbox
{{topic}} experts
Pink checkbox
{{topic}} report
Pink checkbox
{{topic}} catch-up
Pink checkbox
{{topic}} 1:1
Pink checkbox
{{topic}} Reschedule
Pink checkbox
{{topic}} optimization
Pink checkbox
{{topic}} results
Pink checkbox
{{topic}} fails
Pink checkbox
{{topic}} method
Pink checkbox
{{industry}} progress
Pink checkbox
Next week?
Pink checkbox
quick win
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Growth Sales

cold outreach
A/B testing

Pink checkbox
focus on:
- the same type of targets
- the same time of the year
- the same sample size
Pink checkbox
use a sample size of minimum 100 per test
Pink checkbox
test 1 thing at a time
- add humor
- use very short copy
- go multichannel
- test subject lines
- test the value proposition
- test the type of call to action
- change the step order
- test personalization type (icebreaker, custom iMG
custom landing page, ect. / density
- change the type of target in the company
- test campaign goals (e.g. sales, networking calls)
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Growth Sales

lead generation
tools P.1

Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Growth Sales

lead generation
tools P.3

website visitors
Sms / dialer / voice msg
Pink checkbox
fast base
Open in a new tab arrow
Pink checkbox
Open in a new tab arrow
Pink checkbox
Open in a new tab arrow
Pink checkbox
Open in a new tab arrow
Pink checkbox
Open in a new tab arrow
Pink checkbox
Open in a new tab arrow
Pink checkbox
Open in a new tab arrow
Pink checkbox
Open in a new tab arrow
Pink checkbox
Open in a new tab arrow
Pink checkbox
Open in a new tab arrow
Pink checkbox
visitor queue
Open in a new tab arrow
Pink checkbox
Open in a new tab arrow
Pink checkbox
Open in a new tab arrow
Pink checkbox
Open in a new tab arrow
Pink checkbox
Open in a new tab arrow
Pink checkbox
Open in a new tab arrow
Pink checkbox
Open in a new tab arrow
Pink checkbox
Open in a new tab arrow
Pink checkbox
Open in a new tab arrow
Workflow automation
Pink checkbox
Open in a new tab arrow
Pink checkbox
Open in a new tab arrow
/ make
Open in a new tab arrow
Pink checkbox
Open in a new tab arrow
Pink checkbox
Open in a new tab arrow
Pink checkbox
Open in a new tab arrow
Pink checkbox
Open in a new tab arrow
Pink checkbox
Open in a new tab arrow
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Growth Sales

found value?

If you find value in what I make,
feel free to buy me a drink.
Buy me a coffee button
share with your friends.
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz
The cheat sheet guy

head to
your laptop

cheat sheets are currently
only available on laptops.
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